Friday, October 22, 2021

Happy Hallow三三n

Zさん: "Happy Halloween!"
Aさん:「Back atcha!」
Zさん:"So do you know who lives in that creepy old house at the end of the block?"
Aさん:「That is the old lady known as the #3 killer.」
Zさん:"Why is she..."
お祖母さん:"Die Sonny! Die Sonny! Die Sonny!"
Zさん:"ooooh I get it, I mean, Run! I don't want the last moments of my life spent discussing moderately clever bilingual wordplay!" 

1 comment:

  1. Z-san explains: "The phrase 第3位 means 'third place', and is pronounced 'daisani', which sort of sounds like 'die sonny'."
