Friday, March 27, 2020

Interplanetary Termites

Zさん:"Why did all of Earth's termites go to Jupiter?"
Aさん:「I don't know, why?」
Zさん:"Because Jupiter is もくせい。"

Friday, March 20, 2020

Mr. Willis


Zさん:"I didn't know Bruce Willis had a brother, but apparently he does, and everyone is scared to death of him."

Friday, March 13, 2020


Zさん:"Did you know, I got a new abacus?"
Aさん:「Well, did you know I have a hexadecimal abacus.」
Zさん:"Well, I have a configurable base-N abacus."
Aさん:「Well, I have a logarithmic abacus.」
Zさん:"I have a 256-bit encrypted abacus."
Aさん:「I have a blockchain abacus.」
Zさん:"I have a 2-D abacus."
Aさん:「I have a 3-D abacus.」
Zさん:"I have a configurable N-dimensional abacus."

Bさん:「I have an abacus with a smiley face sticker and an extra wire for slightly higher numbers!」


Bさん:「Abacus snobs...」

Math Fans, Happy Pi Day.  For everybody else, 「ハッピー・ホワイト・デー」

Friday, March 6, 2020

Harry Potter and the Delicious Groceries

Zさん:"Hi Harry!"
H. Potter: "Hi Z, great to see you! Wow, that's a lot of groceries you have there."
Zさん:"Yeah it is. Hey, would you mind carrying them in your ふくろ?"
H. Potter: "No, not at all! ... Hey! Hedwig!"

Hedwig swoops in and eats all the food.