Friday, September 25, 2020

El Barto

Homer: "Bart! Did you pour out all my beer? Why you little..."
Bart: "Don't have a cow, man!"
Zさん:"Wow, talk about losing face..."

Friday, September 18, 2020


Bさん:「I saw the craziest video on YouTube. This golfer made a hole-in-one shot on a par 5 hole! 万一!」
Zさん:"I don't know about the term 万一。Literally one out of ten thousand. That is not that rare."
Aさん:「I agree. English is a little better with the phrase "One in a million", but still not great.」
Bさん:「Guys... you are missing the point...」
Zさん:"I think a better phrase would be 億一。"
Aさん:「Or even better 兆一。」
Bさん:「If you ask me, the chances you guys will be pedantic in conversation are 一一。」

Friday, September 11, 2020

Double Take and Call Me in the Morning

[At a Hospital]

Zさん:"Hi, I'm Mr. Z, and I'm not feeling well."
看護師:「Ok, Mr. Z, over here is Doctor Joe. Show Joe the symptoms.」
Zさん:"... is the seemingly unnecessary redundancy due to Covid-19 concerns?"

Friday, September 4, 2020

A Table For Some Reason

Zさん:"So what's the deal with the kanji 「卓」? It's like someone had a car, one of the wheels broke, so they made it into a table for some reason"