Friday, December 27, 2019

Long Ago in a Virtual Reality Far, Far Away

Zさん:"In Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker, the main heroine is Rey, which in Japanese is 零, meaning zero.  In the Matrix movies, the hero Neo was "The One". Imagine the Star Wars/Matrix cross-over Software possibilities!"
Aさん:「As they say, software is nothing but Skywalkers and Andersons.」

Friday, December 20, 2019

The Power Of Christmas Lights

Cさん:「Zさん、you are ... master of holiday decorations. Can you help me... decorate... my house?」
Zさん:"Yes I can. However, this is a serious undertaking. Decorating is an expensive, difficult, and dangerous endeavor.  I will need your consent."
Cさん:「Of course.  How else could you... plug in power cords.」

Friday, December 13, 2019


Santa: "Ho! Ho! Ho!"
Zさん:"So... wait... Santa Claus is an older Japanese あ婆さん, who chuckles coyly with her hand over her mouth?"

Friday, December 6, 2019

Japanese Piñata

Zさん:"What happens when you break open a Japanese piñata?"
Aさん:「I don't know, what?」
Aさん:「Heh, heh. Sweet.」