Friday, January 25, 2019

Pretty Woman

Zさん:"Look at the pretty blonde woman over there.”
Aさん:「You should go talk to her!」
Zさん:"You know, I think I will.”


Zさん:"Hi, I’m Z.”
女:"I’m Kim Potts.”
Zさん:”Yes. Yes you are.”

Saturday, January 19, 2019



おなべの中から ボワっと
インチキおじさん 登場

いつだって わすれない

Zさん:"... Zさんは えらい人!"

Friday, January 11, 2019


Aさん:「Yeah... don’t forget to check your チーズ。」

Friday, January 4, 2019


Zさん:"This Japanese shrine is pretty cool. What are these two dog-lion-thing statues at the entrance?"
Aさん:「狛犬です。They are said to ward off evil spirits.」
Zさん:"Wait... why does one have its mouth open and the other have its mouth closed?"
Aさん:「One is saying 'あ' which is the first character in the Japanese syllabary, and the other is saying 'ん' which is the last character.」
Zさん:"So another way to look at it is ... the alpha and the omega?"
Aさん:「... you just blew my mind ...」