Friday, November 27, 2015


弟:「おはよう。Hey, check it out.  I made waffles in the shapes of all the letters of the English alphabet. Pretty cool, huh?」
兄:「Man, I am starving. Give me those waffles.」
弟:「Hey! Leggo my 英語!」

Sunday, November 22, 2015


Zさん: “The State Department had its funding cut, so they have instituted a new policy.”
Aさん: 「Really? What is it?
Zさん: “外交: 15 minutes could save you 15% or more.”

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Taxi Fare

Aさん:「遅いです。If we are going to make it to the movie in time, we'll have to take a taxi.
Zさん:“I suppose, but taxis are expensive. In a way, they hurt my wallet. You might say...”
Aさん:「Oh please no...
Zさん:“間に合う、Money Ow.”

Saturday, November 7, 2015


The Enterprise NCC-1701-D is attacked by Godzilla.

Riker: "Captain, the only way for us to defeat Godzilla is to destroy the sleep in his eyes.  It is his one weakness.  Shall I begin the attack?"
Picard: "目くそ?Make it so."